FAQ’s / Education

Q:  Who are the providers in the practice and what are their qualifications?

Our medical providers are Dr. David Bradshaw and Physician Assistant Hollie Stapley.  Both are board certified in their specialty and function together as a team.

Q. What is a Physician Assistant?

A Physician Assistant is a trained clinician that collaborates with a supervising physician to provide care to patients using a team approach.

Q:  What is an OB-GYN?

An obstetrician/gynecologist is a physician specialist who provides medical and surgical care to women and has particular expertise in pregnancy, childbirth, and disorders of the reproductive system.

Q: Why is my appointment sometimes rescheduled?

Sometimes Dr. Bradshaw is required to leave the office to deliver a baby or provide emergency care.  In most cases, the wait for office patients will be short or the patient may want to see PA Stapley.  At the patient’s preference, the appointment may be rescheduled.

Q: How long does it take for a provider or medical assistant to return my call or call in a medication to my pharmacy?

Calls are generally returned to patients within 4 business hours.  Medications are called into the pharmacy after the provider has reviewed the request and generally within 24 hours.

Q: Will you bill my insurance?

Yes.  Insurances are billed as a courtesy to patients, but patients retain the responsibility to assure that our providers are in-network for their insurance and to pay any balances not paid by the insurance company.  We are required to collect your copay or deductible balance at the time of service. Any patient-responsible balance is required to be paid in full prior to an anticipated surgical procedure or delivery.

Q: I understand that you have an ultrasound machine in your office.  Why is that important?

Having an ultrasound machine in our office allows your provider to quickly evaluate most issues of concern for your baby or for your gynecological health.  Ultrasounds are routinely performed during all pregnancies at 20 weeks and  at any time when your provider has reason for concern.

Q: What is a 3D/4D ultrasound for my baby?  Is it covered by insurance? What does it cost?

A 3D/4D ultrasound allows you to see distinct features of your baby’s body and is interesting to show friends and family.  Insurance does not cover the cost of this service.  The cost is $___ and the ultrasound is normally provided at about ____ weeks so that the baby is developed enough that you can see interesting features.

We have compiled a list of the most common questions we are asked about pregnancy:

Q:  What can I take for a headache?
Tylenol (regular or extra strength) is safe to take for a headache, fever, or any general discomfort.  Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen or related medications.

Q:  What can I take for a cold?

Sudafed or Actifed is safe to take for a decongestant.  Robitussin is sage to take for a cough.  Tylenol is safe to take for fever, aches, and pains. Sore throat lozenges are safe to take for a sore throat. Imodium is safe to take for diarrhea.

Q: Can I take antibiotics for a sinus infection while pregnant?

Yes, the antibiotics you should never take during pregnancy are Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Cipro, or any of their derivatives.

Q: What medication can I take if I have a yeast infection?

It is safe to use any over-the-counter medications designed for treating a yeast infection.

Q: I have asthma and/or allergies.  Can I continue my regular medications?

Yes, you need to be healthy for the baby to be healthy.  Use of inhalers such as Ventolin, Asmacort, Proventil, or Flonase will help to keep the breathing passages open.  If you are on an antihistamine such as Claritin, Zyrtec, or Allegra, you may continue using it.

Q: What can I take for heartburn or nausea?

It is safe to take TUMS, Mylanta, or Maalox.

Q: What can I do to relieve the discomfort of hemorrhoids?

Anusol HC Cream, preparation H or Tucks medicated pads are safe to relieve hemorrhoid discomfort.  Soaking in a warm bath or using a sitz batch can also be helpful.

Q: If I don’t drink milk, how much calcium should I take?

The recommended daily allowance during pregnancy is 1500 mg daily.  TUMS is one of the easiest sources of calcium to take.

Q:  What do I do if I have been exposed to Chicken pox?
There is no danger to your baby if you have had the chicken pox. If you are not sure, a blood test can be done to determine if you are immune.  If you are not immune, please call  your physician.

Q: What does it mean when a physician says I’m 20 weeks pregnant?

Obstetricians have standardized timing a pregnancy to 40 weeks so that it is easier to communicate and determine due dates as well as testing.  The first day of your last menstrual period is used to calculate your due date.  Twenty weeks is exactly half way through your pregnancy or about 4 1/2 months along.

Q:  Can I fly in an airplane and travel?
You should not fly after your 32nd week of pregnancy.  Remember to drink plenty of water and to walk about the cabin every 30 minutes.

Q:  Can I sleep on my back?
You  may sleep on your back until you are 20 weeks pregnant as long as you are comfortable.  After that time, if your uterus compresses your major blood vessels, you may become nauseated or dizzy.  Placing a pillow under one hip should prevent these symptoms.

Q:  What can I do if I am constipated?
Increase oral fluids, dietary fiber (fresh fruits and vegetables), and exercise (walking).  You may try Citrucel, Metamucil or Fibercon.  Coffee and herbal teas can also have a laxative effect and alleviate constipation.  In an emergency, Ducolax suppositories or Fleet’s enema may be used.

Q:  Is it normal to have aches and pains in the pelvis?
Early in the pregnancy, it is normal to feel cramping as the uterus grows and discomfort as the ligaments stretch.  During the second trimester, it is normal to feel pains in the pelvis as the uterus grows, your skin stretches and the baby moves around.  During the third trimester, it is common to have a backache and sciatica.  Sciatica causes shooting pains down the back of the leg and buttocks.  Toward the end of the third trimester, ligaments in the hips and pelvis loosen causing discomfort.  The baby may kick nerves on the inside of the uterus causing shooting pains toward your upper abdomen or vagina.  Areas of numbness may also occur on your abdomen.

Q: When can I expect to feel the baby move?
You can expect to feel the baby move at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy.  You may not feel regular movements until 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Q:  Is it normal to have vaginal spotting or bleeding after my vaginal exam (during the later part of the third trimester) or after intercourse?

Yes, it is common to have spotting or bleeding in these situations as a result of cervical softening.  The cervix must soften before dilation can occur.

Q:  Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?
There is no evidence that intercourse causes miscarriage or premature labor.  You may be sexually active until your water breaks unless your physician instructs you otherwise. Lubricants such as Astroglide or KY Jelly are are not harmfull.

Q: I have varicose veins.  Is there anything I can do to alleviate the discomfort and prevent them from getting worse?

Avoid long periods of standing or sitting.  When sitting, elevate your legs bove the level of your hips.  Try wearing support panty hose throughout the day.  Exercise, such as walking 20-30 minutes daily is also helpful.  If you are experiencing uncomfortable vulvar varicosities, wearing bicycle shorts may help.

Q:  Is it safe for my dentist to take x-rays?

You should continue to care for your teeth in the normal manner.  If x-rays are necessary, your dentist will shield the baby.  Filling cavities or taking antibiotics for dental procedures is safe and desirable, as pregnancy can increase dental disease.  Local anesthetics (like novacaine) are safe.  Your dentist should not use nitrous oxide (laughing gas) while you are pregnant.

Q:  My feet are swollen.  Is this normal?
Mild swelling of the ankles and legs is related to the normal increase in body fluids.  To ease the discomfort, elevate your legs or lie down when you can, wear comfortable shoes, and avoid elastic-top socks or stockings.  Drinking at least eight to ten 8 oz. glasses of water a day will help you to avoid excess water retention.  Support hose may also help to ease the discomfort.

Q:  Is it safe to color, highlight or perm my hair?  What about artificial nails?
There is no information that any of these procedures will hurt your baby, but, we suggest waiting until after the first trimester (about 13 weeks) to complete.

Q: Will it hurt the baby if I don’t take prenatal vitamins?

Taking prenatal vitamins during the first trimester may decrease the incidence of neural tube defects such as spina bifida.  There is no data showing prenatal vitamins are essential after the first trimester.

Q:  Are hot baths, hot tubs and saunas safe for me and my baby?

Studies show that hot saunas during the first trimester may cause miscarriage.  There is no evidence that hot baths or hot tubs cause fetal harm if the temperature is under 100 degrees.

Q:  Is an electric blanket safe to use while pregnant?

Q:  Will higher elevations and altitudes be harmful to the baby?

Q:  Will stress hurt the baby?


Q: Is pressure in my lower pelvis normal?


Q: It feels as if my heart is racing.  Is this normal?

Yes.  It is common to have palpitations.  Avoid caffeine and Sudafed if this happens.  If these symptoms persist, notify your physician.,

Q: Can I go to a tanning booth during pregnancy?

There are no data to suggest that tanning booths are harmful to or safe for your baby, however, we do not recommend them.

Q: Is it wise to paint while I am pregnant? 

As long as you are painting for short periods of time and not working above your head, it is safe to paint.  We recommend painting in well-ventilated areas and that you take frequent breaks to get fresh air.

Q: Is it OK to drink caffeine during pregnancy?

While most  studies have shown that moderate caffeine intake (e.g. < 300 mg/day, or 2 cups of coffee) does not affect fertility or increase the change of having a miscarriage or a baby with birth defects. we recommend that you limit your caffeine intake to one beverage per day while you are pregnant.

Q: Is it safe to  eat fish while I am pregnant?

Yes! In fact, we encourage you to eat up to 12 ounces of low-mercury fish weekly.  Fish contains DHA which promotes your baby’s nervous system development.  Fish that are safe to eat include salmon, flounder, light canned tuna, shrimp and catfish.  Fish deemed unsafe include tilefish, swordfish, shark and mackerel as these contain high levels of mercury.

Q: When should I sign up for birthing classes?

We recommend signing up for birthing classes once you start your third trimester (roughly around 28 weeks).  For more information, call Castleview Hospital at (435) 637-4800.

Q: Why do I need Rhogam?

You need Rhogam if your blood type is Rh negative.  This medication prevents dangerous mixing of your baby’s blood with you own blood during pregnancy or delivery.  This is most important during your second and subsequent pregnancies.  If your partner’s blood type is also Rh negative, then you do not need to receive Rhogam.